Final Destination Movie Quotes | Best Quotes!

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The series of Final Destination movies is 5 exciting movies with the theme of death. In every movie, a deadly disaster happens and a group of people die. The group that survives knows that death is following them. So they have to fight the prophecy of their death and try to survive.

“Final Destination” is a very popular movie, because of the exciting and scary scenes. If you are a fan of exciting movies and you haven’t seen these movies yet, we suggest you watch them.

We have collected some of the best Final Destination movie quotes for you in this post.

Before that, If you are interested in Movies Like Final Destination, you can see them on Cinelysium.


In death there are no accidents, no coincidences, no mishaps, and no escapes. – Bludworth (The Final Destination)


Death doesn’t like being cheated. It doesn’t like loose ends. – Clear Rivers (Final Destination 2)


We cheated death. Now death is cheating us. – Kim Bauer (Final Destination 2)


You can’t cheat death. You can only postpone it. – Carter Horton (The Final Destination)


Premonitions are like lottery tickets. You can’t win if you don’t play. – Lewis Romero (Final Destination 3)


There’s no escape. It’s gonna happen, one way or another. – Wendy Christensen (Final Destination 3)


What if we didn’t change anything? What if us being here right now was the plan from the beginning? – Nicholas O’Bannon


There are no do-overs in life. – George Waggner


Death is going to come for me, I don’t think it matters where I am. – Sam Lawton


It’s not about when you die, it’s how you die. – Tod Walker


Maybe some things are just meant to happen. – Kimberly Corman


There are forces at work here that we don’t understand. – Agent Weintraub


There’s something seriously wrong with us. We’re like walking targets. – Rory Peters


Final Destination. Sounds like a travel brochure. – Clear Rivers


This is insane! We can’t just sit here and wait to die! – Kevin Fischer


There has to be a way to break the chain. – Hunt Wynorski


We have to find a way to cheat it again. – Molly Harper


There’s no outrunning destiny. – Prescott Carver


You cheated death once. You won’t be that lucky twice. – Roy Walker


Isn’t it ironic? We all survived a plane crash, only to be killed by a freaking log truck. – Tod Walker


You know what? Maybe we should all just wear helmets… everywhere. – Kimberly Corman


There are some things that are just beyond human comprehension. – Agent Schreck


This is messed up. We cheated death, and now it’s coming back for us one by one? – Kat Jennings


Look, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m not going to sit around and wait to die! – Carter Horton

I hope you enjoyed Final Destination movie quotes. If you know another quote from the movie, share it with us in the comments section.

About Author

I have loved movies since I can remember. This love is still in me and will be. Cinema is my life! On this site, my colleagues and I write articles that will help you to have a better and deeper connection with the world of movies and TV series. ENJOY!

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